Material Growth is out of balance

Material Growth is out of balance

We still demonstrate success by showing off growth, mainly profit. How useless this is, shows when we experience discontent or pain. Today we can easily see that our material growth is not in balance with the mental and social evolution in society, according to...
Good Sleep 3/3

Good Sleep 3/3

By finally accepting ourselves as multi-parted beings – Spirit, Mind, Body, and Ego – our perspective will be a much more precise one. We can then find out ourselves by investigating our actions, thoughts, beliefs, and emotions, which voice inside of us we...
Eat Healthy

Eat Healthy

Today our purpose of eating has changed. Not only the purpose but also the ingredients we eat have changed. Most of our foods are processed industrially with many chemical additives, for growing, raising, preserving, and enriching. We eat and gather, we eat for...
Good Sleep 2/3

Good Sleep 2/3

There are many pieces of advice you will receive from a professional sleeping consultant, and they will be okay. Try all of them. Some are:  Go to bed when you are sleepy. Not before, only because you think it is time to go to bed. Find and stick to a healthy sleeping...